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What Is Website Design?

Design is the process of collecting ideas, and aesthetically arranging and implementing them, guided by certain principles for a specific purpose. Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting the content on electronic web pages, which the end-users can access through the internet with the help of a web browser.

How Long Does It Take To Build A Website?

The timescale of a website design project is often dictated by the client. If you have a deadline in mind we will make every effort to meet it for you. The most common delay in the creation and completion of a new website is waiting for content (text/images) to be sent to us by the client.

Will My Website Work On Mobile Devices?

Yes, using responsive design we ensure our sites work on all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobiles.

What Types Of Businesses Can Use Local SEO?

Click here to read Google’s full guidelines for listing your business in Google.  It should be fairly obvious that local SEO is not appropriate for 100% e-commerce businesses.  That’s because there is no physical location for customers to visit the store.

Think about how annoying it would be to see e-commerce businesses listed when you’re searching for a nearby coffee shop.  You want a place to grab a cup of coffee, not an online store to get coffee beans delivered.

The basic rule of thumb is that local SEO is a good opportunity for any business that interacts in-person with customers, clients, or patients.  If you never meet in-person, then it’s not a good fit.

What Is Local SEO And How Is It Different From Traditional SEO?

You may not know how it works, but I’m sure you’re familiar with search engine optimization (SEO).  That’s the process of getting your website to rank high in Google for relevant search phrases.

With local SEO, there is a slight twist.  Instead of focusing exclusively on your website, you’re also going to focus on your Google My Business profile page.  That’s because Google displays business pages (along with a map highlighting where the businesses are located) for many locally-focused search phrases.

For example, search for “dentist near me” and you’ll see what I’m talking about.  There will be a map in the upper right corner and the dentist names, addresses, phone numbers and reviews will be right at the top of the 1st page of Google.  That information is coming from each business’s Google My Business page.

So the key difference between local SEO and traditional SEO is that you need to optimize both your website and your Google My Business profile page to compete in local SEO.

How Do You Compete In Cities And Towns Outside Of Your Physical Location

With local SEO, the location of your office or store is a big factor in the ranking algorithm.  Again, think about this from the perspective of the person searching.

If I’m searching for coffee in the upper west side of Manhattan, then it doesn’t help me to see businesses that are really far away.  Google knows this and that’s why the location of the person searching versus the actual location of the business is a big factor in local SEO.

That means you’ll have an advantage ranking in Google when your prospective customers are searching near your business location.  The further away the prospect is searching, the less likely you’ll rank on the first page.

It’s not impossible to rank in cities outside of your physical location (for example, you can create pages on your website for your target location), but you need to realize you’re fighting an uphill battle with local SEO.  If everything else is equal, then the business closer to the person searching is likely going to have the advantage.

What Is Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Let’s start with the definition. Pay-per-click advertising, or PPC advertising, is a specific type of search engine marketing designed to drive traffic to your website. When certain keywords are entered into a search engine, your ad appears in the search results. In terms of cost, you only pay when the ad is clicked on, hence the name pay-per-click advertising. 

What Are The Benefits of PPC Ads?

It’s quite tough to get your site on page one for search results. With PPC ads, your website not only gets “front and center attention,” but it is also displayed to customers who are looking specifically for your product or service. Plus, these eye-catching ads can be more affordable for small businesses compared to other types of advertising.

What Sites Offer PPC Advertising?

PPC advertising, give you several options. Google Adwords is the most popular, but there are several others that you can and should research. Here’s a quick list but there are many more:

Do I Really Need Social Media?


Just because you do not take an interest in Social Media doesn’t mean Social Media won’t take an interest in you. There are people leaving reviews of your products, complaining, asking questions. You might not see all that but your potential customers and your potential employees will. That’s because they will Google your company (or the product category) before buying or going for an interview. Research shows that 80% of people do that.

Social media is where your target audience is.

How To Measure Return On Investment (ROI) with Social Media?

Measuring social media ROI is one of the biggest frustrations of business owners and one of the most frequently asked questions about social media. Fast Company reported that 88% of 750 surveyed marketing professionals didn’t feel they could accurately measure the effectiveness of their social media campaigns. Truth is, social media has direct and indirect effects that are impossible to measure perfectly. But so are many PR and marketing efforts!

While you can’t measure all SMM effects, you should still measure the ones you can.

1. Start with setting your conversion goals. That could be:

  • Making online purchases;
  • Clicking on a link to dealer website;
  • Spending time on landing pages;
  • Signing up for a newsletter, engaging in social media interactions.

2. Track conversions.

  • Reach. Whatever your opinion on the number of followers is, the more people see your campaign or promotion, the greater your ROI.
  • Traffic. Again, your ROI depends on getting people to your website or another URL where conversions happen.
  • Social media generated leads. The problem here is that you will only see leads that took some kind of online action.
  • Customers – leads that become customers.
  • Conversion rate. Tracking the percentage of visitors by social media platform or promotion piece tells you what’s working and what’s not.

3. Assign monetary value to each conversion by estimating a Lifetime Value of a Customer.

4. Collect incoming traffic and conversion numbers using Google Analytics. Compare with monetary value of those conversions.

Which Social Media Platforms Should My Business Have A Presence On?

It is common advice to be on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, and any popular local social network.

If your product is visually appealing, consider Instagram and Pinterest.

For a more comprehensive guide, read about the difference between social media platforms and its meaning for your business.

What Is Mobile Responsiveness Design?

A mobile responsive website makes viewing on any phone, tablet, or other device easy by automatically moving content, images, and other site elements to fit into the screen.

Why Do I Need To Make My Website Mobile Responsive?

Mobile responsiveness will affect your website’s search engine rankings.  Mobile responsive sites will be valued higher than sites which aren’t responsive.  Going forward, Google will also give a completely different set of search results for people on mobile devices.  If your website is not mobile responsive, then it may not be included in the mobile results.  Because half of the internet’s traffic is mobile, if your site is not on the mobile index you could potentially lose half of the traffic you receive from Google.

Why Is A Mobile Responsive Site Important For My Business?

In short, half of the internet’s traffic is mobile.  Early in 2014 mobile usage accounted for 48% of Google’s usage and searches.  In November 2014, mobile searches and usage time on Google actually exceeded PC for the first time.  This is not surprising since other studies have shown that 52% of internet users prefer a smartphone or tablet as their preferred method of internet usage. Other reports suggest as much as 60% of internet usage has been mobile since early 2014.

What Is Mobile Responsiveness Design?

A mobile responsive website makes viewing on any phone, tablet, or other device easy by automatically moving content, images, and other site elements to fit into the screen.

Why Do I Need To Make My Website Mobile Responsive?

Mobile responsiveness will affect your website’s search engine rankings.  Mobile responsive sites will be valued higher than sites which aren’t responsive.  Going forward, Google will also give a completely different set of search results for people on mobile devices.  If your website is not mobile responsive, then it may not be included in the mobile results.  Because half of the internet’s traffic is mobile, if your site is not on the mobile index you could potentially lose half of the traffic you receive from Google.

Why Is A Mobile Responsive Site Important For My Business?

In short, half of the internet’s traffic is mobile.  Early in 2014 mobile usage accounted for 48% of Google’s usage and searches.  In November 2014, mobile searches and usage time on Google actually exceeded PC for the first time.  This is not surprising since other studies have shown that 52% of internet users prefer a smartphone or tablet as their preferred method of internet usage. Other reports suggest as much as 60% of internet usage has been mobile since early 2014.