Responsive Website Design

 Website Design

Why Website Design Is Important

Your website is one of the most important online internet marketing assets.  A poorly designed website is bad for business.  Properly designed websites will enhance your brand and generate revenue.  Your website should be a clear representation of your company’s brand on the internet.  Responsive Mobile Design websites has changed the way we read the news, watch television, play, communicate, socialize, shop, navigate. More and more businesses realize the great potential that lies in the small screens. Smartphones and tablets have also changed the approach to web design.  Having a website that is not optimized for mobile creates a barrier between you and your potential customers and it will ruin the customers experience.   If your website isn’t doing these things, you could be missing out on potential sales.  We refer to this as unintentionally driving business to your competitors.  Our expertise in website design will help you to enhance your businesses online presence.  We will also optimize your website to be search engine friendly.

For a business website to compete in today’s online marketing space, there are essential features and functionality your website must have.  Below is a list of the 4 Must-Haves for Website Design.

4 Must-Haves for Website Design


  1.  Relevant Content – Consumers are relying more and more on obtaining credible information from the internet.  Because there is so much information on the internet, you have to keep your content up to date.  Relevant content will keep your clients coming back to your site.  Let’s face it, consumers want instant solutions to their everyday problems.  If your website contains outdated solutions for your customer you can rest assure they will find other solutions.                                                                                                                                                                                         
  2. Intuitive User Experience – Knowing that your customer is expecting to get information in the most efficient manner, your website design should cater to these expectations.  Your website should load quickly giving your customer a good user experience.  If your customers are constantly waiting for the information they are looking for THEY WILL STOP.  Google provide a free analysis tool that will provide feedback on the speed of your website Click here to test the speed of your websiteLastly, your website design should have clear navigation and a seamless path that will walk your potential customer from being a prospect to becoming your client.                                                                                                          
  3. SEO Friendly Design – A “Search-Engine Friendly” website design is intended to not only enhance your users experience, but to also all search engines like google to rank your website.  Proper SEO Friendly website designs will help you to get on the 1st page of search engines to capture potential customers looking for your products and services.  Click here for more information on SEO.
  4. Responsive Website Design –  Back in 2015, google added the “Mobile Experience” to their algorithm for ranking search results.  In English this means that google will penalize your website for not being mobile friendly which could drastically decrease your chances from being ranked on the 1st page of google.  Over 75% of users searching the internet never scroll past the first page.  If your website is not responsive and mobile friendly odds are your competitors are loving the fact they don’t have to compete with you


Responsive Mobile Design is a MUST!


Responsive Mobile Design websites has changed the way we read the news, watch television, play, communicate, socialize, shop, navigate. More and more businesses realize the great potential that lies in the small screens. Smartphones and tablets have also changed the approach to web design.  Having a website that is not optimized for mobile creates a barrier between you and your potential customers and it will ruin the customers experience.  

Because mobile Internet usage is increasing steadily, it’s extremely important that your website is mobile friendly. Up until recently if you wanted to do that you would had to have a website designed for desktop users and another site specifically developed for mobile users. However with the responsive web design it is now possible to provide consistent viewing experience across all screens sizes – desktop, tablet, mobile. If implemented correctly, the user experience will be optimized regardless of screen size, which will result in sales boost, return visits, loyalty and engagement.

Top Reasons to have a Responsive Mobile Design

  1.  Mobile Usage Is On The Rise – Currently, more than 58% of American adults own a smartphone and almost 60% of all website traffic is from mobile devices. In fact, there are currently more mobile devices on earth then their are people. And every month mobile usage continues to grow, so every month more and more prospects and customers will view your website from a mobile device. If their experience viewing and interacting with your site is poor, they’ll likely have a lower option of your brand, and they’ll also be more likely to visit a competitor’s site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  2. Social Media Increases Mobile Visitors – Over 55% of social media consumption now happens on mobile devices, so sharing links from social media sites like, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Google Plus to your website will mean even more traffic and viewing of your website from mobile devices. So if you have a social media marketing strategy and want to leverage social sharing of content, get responsive.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  3. Responsive Sites Improve SEO Rankings – Responsive development is Google’s recommended approach for mobile web design. Per Google, responsive websites will perform better in search rankings because they provide a better user experience than sites that are not mobile friendly. Additionally, Google likes that responsive sites use single URLs vs. different URLs for separate mobile versions of websites.  Furthermore, mobile phones now have a separate Google search algorithm as well, so just because your site ranks high via a desktop search doesn’t mean it will continue to rank well for individuals for perform the same search via their phone.                                                                                                                                                                      
  4. Responsive Designs Adapt To Multiple Devices Sizes – Want your web design to look great, no matter the device or screen size? Then responsive web design is the way to go. But don’t just think about today with smartphones and tablets. Think about tomorrow with smart watches, and google glass, and whatever new devices pops up for internet viewing. Responsive web design and development will work for them too.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  5. Responsive Sites Provide A Better User Experience – There are plenty of business reasons to implement a responsive website, but they all connect back to the goal of providing a better user experience for your audience. A responsive site means no more pinching and zooming, and no more side scrolling, to see an entire site that doesn’t fit on a mobile screen. And a better user experience reduces bounce rates, boosts website conversion and improves brand perception.

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